CVR Birthdays this week:
Happy Birthday to: David McMath, Ava Whitcomb, Merill Creagh, & Tim Macke (new age groups for David and Merill)
Greetings from deer fly haven,
There were a couple of races held this weekend that included CVR runners. Here in Vermont, Onion River Outdoors held the Birdland 5K. This was a trail race in Montpelier and part of the CVR/ORO race series. Maxfield English was the first male in a time of 22:40. The first female, in a time of 27:19, was Brooke Greenfield. The race, held under cool and windy conditions had 47 finishers.
The other race of note was the Race up Mount Washington. The course, which is advertised as having only one hill, follows the toll road to the summit of Mount Washington (6288 ft). Under normal conditions it’s a 7.6 mile race. Saturday morning the runners were faces with a snow covered summit, single digit temperatures, and 60 MPH winds. The race officials shortened the race to a little over 4 miles (this was last done in 2002). I’m aware of five CVR runners who completed the race: Darell Lasell, Dot Helling, Ann Bushey, Donna Smyers, and Mike Gillis. Donna won her age group and Dot took second in her age group. Donna, Dot, & Ann ran as a team and took second place.
The weather on Mt Washington this past weekend resulted in numerous rescues of hikers including the death of one hiker.
The CVR/ORO races series standings continue to be updated with the results of the Birdland 5K now included. Thanks for getting the results updated and posted Joe & John.
I’d like to point out that we have a couple, Cheryl and Darrel, who are both leading their respective groups!
Fun Runs/walks are happening!

Every Tuesday at 5:30 Fun Runs are happening. Distances are 2, 4, and 6 miles on a flat, out and back route along the river. The runs are self-timed if you’re interested in that. The weather report looks good again this week so expect there will be runners there.
Trail Running
Trail runs are happening!
Here’s the link for CVR trail runs:
It’s a Google Doc. You can look ahead and see if there’s a run that interests you.
Volunteer Signup
To make this year’s events successful, we need volunteers! Race Directors are always in need of volunteers so if you are available on the day of an event and will not be running, please consider volunteering. This year, we are accepting your sign up on our website. Click here to check out the signup site. Click on “Volunteer for a CVR Race”. If any issues, please reach out to our webmaster John Hackney. John has graciously agreed to take over tracking of volunteers from Dot Helling.
Using the volunteers app, race directors are responsible for making any final changes to their list of volunteers within 2 or 3 days after their race. Then, using the ‘Set volunteer status’ item on their menu, they should set the volunteer status of their race to Final to prevent any more changes from being made.
Hollie Friot has started a run group for new runners or those returning to running after a break. The goal is to help people with their running with a goal of running theBarre Heritage Trail Run on July 30. You can reach out to Hollie via the CVR Facebook page.
Race Results/reviews:
There are races all over the world (yes world) that CVR club members participate in. If you complete a race, please send me a short blurb about it. People like to hear about races/runs. Thanks.
Up Coming Events.
Montpelier Mile
Less than a month away from the Montpelier Mile! Just enough time to get in some speed work before it happens on July 3rd.
Bear Swamp
July 9th is the Bear Swamp race and registration is now open. This race is part of the CVR/ORO race series that starts and finishes at the Rumney School in Middlesex. The course does a 5.7 mile loop up past the Mt Hunger trailhead before circling back down to the Rumney School.
Berlin Pond 5 Miler
Mark your calendars as Bob and Sue have changed the date of the Berlin Pond 5 Miler to August 18th.
Northfield Saving Bank 5K
Jim Flint is coordinating the Northfield Savings Bank this year. Jim stepped up when the Bank decided only to be a backer, not the officials for the race. This race is also a Senior Games qualifier. In addition to the 5K run there will be a 5K power walk competition, also a Senior Games qualifier.
Leaf Peepers
Registration is now open for Leaf Peepers.
Here’s the link:
Will Robens is looking for a volunteer coordinator. You can reach out to will here:
Down East Sunrise Trail Relay Race
My name is Jazmyn and I’m part of GMAA (shoutout to my running friends I see every Tuesday at ECHO at 5:30)! I’m reaching out to this group to see if anyone is interested in running on my relay team for the Down East Sunrise Trail Relay Race as part of an 8-person relay (currently have 2-3 spots to fill). The 102.7 mile race starts in Ellsworth ME and finishes in Eastport. Start time between 9:30pm/12am July 22/23 with goal to finish around noon July 23. Legs range from 3.6 miles to 10.6 miles with each running roughly 13 miles for the race (full length is 102.7 miles). Right now we’ve got a pretty solid group of runners on the team. If you’re interested please check out the race website at and/or email me! I’d like to get the group finalized within the next week or so. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Other News
A reminder that Lenny’s in Barre has given CVR member’s a 10% for shoes in the past. Graham Sherriff has reached out to them to see if this applies to their Williston store. I’ll let you know what Graham finds out. Thanks Graham for your work on this.
CVR Equipment Use
Anyone wanting to use equipment send Sal a request that includes 1) Date equipment to be removed from the shed, 2) Itemized list of equipment being removed; including quantities, 3) Date equipment will be returned to the shed.
The entry fee for the first New York Marathon was 1$. There were 127 runners and they did laps around central park. The current fee is $255 and 53,627 runners finished in 2019.
No one submitted a guess so I’m going to enjoy the loaf of bread.
This week’s trivia question: Who are the women’s and men’s record holders for the Western States Endurance Run?
Email your answers to me at I will pick one correct answer at random to receive a prize.
Elected Officers
President – Chris Andresen
Vice President – Kim Caldwell
Finance – John Valentine
Secretary – Cheryl Lasell
At Large Executive Committee: Bob Murphy, Darragh Ellerson
Keep your feet movin’
Chris Andresen
Ongoing/Upcoming events
CVR Races
Bear Swamp July 9
Barre Heritage July 30
Tuesday Fun Runs – weekly
5:30 PM Meet at the bike path in the Department of Labor parking lot
Runderachievers in Northfield
Runderachievers is a social run group that meets in front of Good Measure Brewing Co every Thursday at 5:30. (17 East St, Northfield, VT 05663)
All ages, and abilities are welcome. After a short run(or walk) we enjoy special pricing of their draft craft beers.
Spruce Mountain Hike/Run –
Every Sunday from 7:30 am. Hikers or runners of all abilities can join. Reach out to April Farnham with any questions.