upcoming events
Saturday, April 19
Paul Mailman 10 Miler and 5K
Sunday, April 27
Mutt Strut
Saturday, May 10
Adamant Half Marathon and Relay
Saturday, June 7
Capital City Stampede
10k Road Race and 5k Power Walk
Saturday, August 30
Northfield 5k Run/Walk, 5k Power Walk, and 1 Mile Kids’ Race
Latest results
2025 races
Millstone Snowshoe Race 2/08
Paul Mailman 10 Mile/5K 4/19
Mutt Strut 4/27
Adamant Half Marathon & Relay 5/10
Barre Town Spring Run 5/18
Capital City Stampede 6/07
Bear Swamp Run 7/12
Barre Heritage Trail 5K 7/26
Berlin Pond 5 Miler 8/14
Northfield 5K Run/Walk & Kids’ Mile 8/30
Groton Forest Trail Run 9/6
Sodom Pond Run 9/17
Leaf Peepers Half Marathon & 5K 10/05
Fallen Leaves 5K Series 11/1,8,15
New Year’s Eve 5K 12/31
Paul Mailman 10 Mile/5K 4/19
Mutt Strut 4/27
Adamant Half Marathon & Relay 5/10
Barre Town Spring Run 5/18
Capital City Stampede 6/07
Bear Swamp Run 7/12
Barre Heritage Trail 5K 7/26
Berlin Pond 5 Miler 8/14
Northfield 5K Run/Walk & Kids’ Mile 8/30
Groton Forest Trail Run 9/6
Sodom Pond Run 9/17
Leaf Peepers Half Marathon & 5K 10/05
Fallen Leaves 5K Series 11/1,8,15
New Year’s Eve 5K 12/31
VOLUNTEER: To volunteer for a CVR race, first log in with your CVR username and password using the button below. Then, once you are logged in and return to this page, click the ‘VOLUNTEER for a CVR Race’ button to volunteer.