News and Notes

April 18, 2023

CVR Birthdays this week:

Happy Birthday to: Mack Gardner-Morse, Eric Ryea (new age group for my neighbor), Heather Tomlins, & Al Hermsen!

Greetings from a flowering Adamant, 

Even with temperatures returning to a more normal range, Adamant is turning green and the roads are drying out.

There were a couple of races over the past few days that saw a number of CVR members stretching their legs. On Saturday CVR held the annual Paul Mailman 10 miler and 5 K race. Monday was the Boston Marathon. I volunteered to help with the Paul Mailman and was fortunate to be located out on the course where I saw both the 10 miler and 5K runners pass me. As always, it was fun to see faces I knew fly by. 

However, my favorite moment was when a young boy and his father, both with numbers, wandered by. I say “wandered” because the youngster moved from one side of the path to the other while pointing at things and asking his father questions. They got as far as the bridge and then stopped to look at the water. For the youngster, this was clearly an adventure. 

As you head out on your next run, I hope it is an adventure for you with opportunity to look around and enjoy what you see.

Be well, watch for cars, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Club Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for the afternoon of June 4th so mark your calendars now. The meeting will be held in Northfield in the Community Room (75 S Main Street, Northfield). Thanks Kim for finding the space.

Membership Renewal – Reminder
We are in the renewal time of year. If your membership year is 2022, your membership will expire on 3/31/2023. 
There’s a link to RunReg at (“JOIN CVR”). This page also has a printable form for those who prefer to mail their renewal.
Do consider renewing with a multi-year membership. This means fewer year-end renewals for you and less administration for the club. 
Not sure whether your membership is due for renewal in 2023? 
•              check your membership card * 
•              check when your membership expires by logging in to the CVR website at (instructions at:
•              contact me at and I’ll confirm your renewal date 
* Need a new card for yourself or other household members? Let me know!

Were you aware the Winter Group Runs are recorded on Strava? Check with Donna or Heather if you want to join.

Web Site
We have a story sent in by a member that is now posted on the website. It’s by Joe Merrill about his and Katie’s trip to Bermuda to run the Bermuda Triangle Challenge. Here’s a link to the story on the Member Posts page:    Please send any running related stories and articles that you think other members would be interested to read to John at

Race Series
It’s a new year and Joe and John are the ones handling the race series tracking.  It’s a new year and a new series. As folks have until June to join the club, the race series tracking won’t be posted until then. 

Trail Running
Good morning trail runners! The snow is disappearing fast here in East Calais! I put together a signup sheet for the CVR trail run series this summer. Please sign up to host a run..

See you on the trails!

Also a reminder to be aware of ticks. According to the Vermont Department of Agriculture, there are 14 species of ticks in the state. With a mild winter this past year, it’s reasonable to expect a growth in the number of ticks. So do your tick checks. A quick way to check your clothing is to use a sticky lint roller on yourself. The ticks easily get stuck and pulled off your clothing.

Other runs
Day Light Saving time has happened and Spring is here!  Civil twilight is now about 8:10 PM. People are showing up Tuesday evenings to enjoy roads andcompany through running and walking in rain or shine. On the 18th three CVRers (Donna, Tim, & Ann) who ran Boston showed up (for a walk or ride). 

The Long Trail Running Club has Thursday evening runs in Chittenden County, starting and finishing at a brew pub. It’s a fun group, and they usually find good routes. (Last week, we paused before the final leg of the run to watch the sunset over the Adirondacks from Battery Park.) Routes are 4-6 miles long; the group stops from time to time to wait for the caboose to catch up; there’s also often a group that walks. Apparently we give off great vibes—as we crossed Church Street last week, one woman who we ran by said to a friend, “That looks like a lot of fun—too bad we’re not runners!” Check out the group at


  • Volunteers are still needed for the Mutt Strut on April 23rd. Please volunteer online using the button on the homepage of the website or contact Maryellen Copping at

    All of the remaining races for 2023 are open and accepting volunteers online using the link on the homepage, so please support CVR’s races and the race directors by volunteering now. Contact John Hackney with any questions about volunteering.

Corporate Cup
Dot is need of Walk Judges for Corporate Cup which is May 11th this year. Corporate Cup is a 5K though the streets of Montpelier. As it’s a 5K, judges are only needed between 5:00 PM and 7:00 PM. I did this last year and will again this year. It was fun saying “Hi” to all the CVR people who streamed by.

Race Results/reviews:  
Paul Mailman
The Paul Mailman was held Saturday, April 15. It was a beautiful morning for a run, but almost too warm. The 5K had 43 runners finish the course. Nicholas Kidder was the first male in a time of 16:57. Ginger Long was the first female in a time of 20:21.
The 10 miler had 50 runners. The first male was Hayden Bunnell in a time of 57:25. The first female was Kasie Enman in a time of 1:02:42. This was a new age group record. 

Boston Marathon
There were seven CVR members at this past Boston Marathon. They were:
George Aitken    3:06:11
Ann Bushey       4:21:39
Rima Carlson     3:39:24
Emily LeVan       3:23:44
Anna Milkowski   3:39:54
Time Noonan      4:03:22
Donna Smyers    4:04:27

There were 30,000 + runners in Boston this year. According to the Boston Marathon website, the first year (1897) there were 18 runners. The race didn’t surpass 1000 runners until 1968.  I believe all the CVR members ran fast enough to qualify for Boston next year. I also believe that this was Tim Noonan’s 14th Boston Marathon since 2001. Quite a group of runners!

Up Coming Events.
Mutt Strut
Now is a grrrr8 time to sign up for the Mutt Strut. It’s now possible to sign up for the Mutt Strut. The Mutt Strut is scheduled for April 23rd.

5k St. Shuffle
St. Monica-St. Michael is hosting their 5th annual 5k St. Shuffle fun run/walk on 5/31/23 at the scenic trail run past historic granite quarries. Start and finish at the field across from Millstone Lodge. Register by May 13 to get a t-shirt! All entrants get a raffle ticket and post-race cook-out.

2023 Genny Tenny

We’re happy to celebrate the 5th edition of the Genny Tenny in 2023. This popular point-to-point dirt road running race links the communities of Craftsbury and Albany, VT. New in 2023, we’ll be offering a 5k option as well as the traditional 10-mile distance.

The race is May 6, 2023 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Adamant Half Marathon
The Adamant Half Marathon already has 26 people (and growing) signed up. If you’re looking for a fun run through the hills of Vermont, this is your race. 

Can’t get enough scenic hilly dirt roads? Training for an ultra or maybe the Circumburke, Fly to Pie or Mad Marathon? Or just can’t decide which iconic event to do on May 6 – 7? Enter the Double Dirt Challenge! Run the Genny Tenny on Saturday 5/6 and the Adamant Half Marathon on Sunday 5/7. Participants are eligible for 10% off each race with a unique award and double the fun! Participants must sign up for each race individually in the Double Dirt Challenge category.

Race around the Lake
Part of the Upper Valley Running Club is the Race around the Lake. The race is May 22 and is a loop around Barnard Lake. There are a 10K and 5K option.

100 on 100
Vermont’s 100 on 100 Relay Race is AUGUST 12, 2023

Round up your closest friends and prepare to take on 100 miles of scenic Vermont terrain–while you make an endless supply of memories! The 100 on 100 Relay is a challenging relay where friends converge from across the country to complete 100 miles together along Vermont’s historic Route 100. Push beyond your limits, lean on your teammates, and complete something extraordinary. Plus, we’ll be having an epic after-party at the finish line with delicious food, live music, and beer (21+).  

I have a spot for the 100 on 100 but unfortunately we can’t do it due to a wedding that day. They will not refund us, but I can transfer the registration. I wanted to reach out and see anyone is interested in doing the race that hasn’t signed up yet that we could transfer to. Looks like the current price is $799, but we only paid $650, so they would get a deal too! If interested, you can reach me directly at this email.

Dandelion Run/Walk/Bike
May 20, 2023
Derby, Morgan, and Holland, Vermont
This is a great half marathon as well as 10 km, 4 mile, 2 mile, 1 mile options. www.kingdomgames.comd

CVR Equipment Use
 Anyone wanting to use equipment send Sal (and cc myself) a request that includes 1) Date equipment to be removed from the shed, 2) Itemized list of equipment being removed; including quantities, 3) Date equipment will be returned to the shed.  Please send Sal (and cc the club president) and email to let us know when the equipment has been returned.

The Club Timing Clock 
If you use the club timing clock, it’s important it be returned the next day. The clock is used for a lot of events other than club races. It’s club policy that if the clock is requested for a non-CVR event, a CVR member must be present to ensure proper handling.


Elected Officers
President – Chris Andresen (
Vice President – Kim Caldwell
Finance – John Valentine
Secretary – Cheryl Lasell
At Large Executive Committee: Bob Murphy, Darragh Ellerson

Keep your feet moving

Chris Andresen  

If you have a comment or question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at: 

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