News and Notes

CVR Birthdays this week:

Happy Birthday to: Sawyer Tootle, Callum Sherriff, Jason Gravel, Nathan Suter, Tim Heney, Sandra Ferno, Roger Cranse, & Colin Clifford!

Greetings from a softening Adamant! 

Happy Valentines Day! 

We had a little taste of mud season here in Adamant this past week. However, I can tell spring is coming as the roads are starting to soften. This makes them great for early season training instead of pounding on asphalt. Yes, there are ruts, but no potholes and few cars to deal with as you move through this beautiful countryside. I’ve started upping my walking mileage and, who knows, maybe a little running down the road. 

For those of you out there thinking about the club race series, or just wanting to get out and test your legs, the Shamrock Shuffle is March 16th in Lebanon NH. This is a new addition to our race series as part of the club effort to encourage members to expand their sphere of running. I’ve run this race a couple of times. There were 675 finishers last year. I really enjoyed it, especially the finish that has you crest a small hill before a straight downhill to flat finish. 

While the Shamrock Shuffle is in March, there’s been plenty of racing already going on in 2024. Two Vermonter’s putting in impressive times are Evan Thornton-Sherman and Elle Purrier St. Pierre. Evan, who graduated from St J Academy in 2022 ran a 3:59:81 for the mile at the Music City Challenge on February 9th (thanks Jim Flint for the heads up on this). Elle St. Pierre broke the American record to win Wanamaker Mile at 2024 Millrose Games (this a year after the birth of her son). You can watch Elle’s run here: Elle St. Pierre breaks American record to win Wanamaker Mile at 2024 Millrose Games | NBC Sports ( 

Mark your calendars. Sunday, March 24th from 4-6PM will be the next club meeting. Location to be determined. this is an important meeting as the club will elect a new president and vice-president. Please consider volunteering for one of these positions to help the club put on another stellar year of running experiences. 

If anyone is interested in hosting the meeting, please email me at

Thank you.

Winter Group Runs
Berlin Pond was a preview of mud season but we’re hoping a good crew was there. This weekend we are back in Waterbury for an unhosted run. More info and the WGR sign-up sheet are here. We will send out more details in a Thursday email blast to the WGR listserv. 

Heather is still looking to round out the season! If you’re interested, sign up on the google sheet here. Note that hosting doesn’t mean you must have the crew over to your home (although that’s certainly welcome!) – it can also mean suggesting a run and meeting spot (ideally a place with a coffee shop or general store nearby for after). So, if you have a run you’d like to suggest sign up to “host” and Heather will reach out ahead of your selected date to work out the details. Thank you!
Trail Running
If you’re interested, a group runs up Spruce Mt in Plainfield Sunday mornings. They start at 7. Keep wearing your orange.

Fun Runs
 Official fun runs are over for the year however, there continues to be a turnout on Tuesday evenings to get in a few miles.  Day length is now closing in on 10 1/2 hours with each day adding an additional 2 1/2 minutes plus. The sunshine makes the days seem longer with plenty of light well after 5 but don’t get lax with wearing your bright clothes and lights. Keep visible to Keep safe.

Membership Renewal – Reminder 

Stan reports we have 129 members who have an expiration of 3/31/2023.  

68 Single Members (52%)
23 Family / Household registrations that consist of ….
* 61 are members of families
Check your status!
There’s a link to RunReg at (“JOIN CVR”). This page also has a printable form for those who prefer to mail their renewal.
Renewing with a multi-year membership means fewer year-end renewals for you and less administration for the club. 

Race SeriesThe race series is on again! Allee from ORO is putting out a new poster for the race series. 

Web Site
I know we’ve had members running some races outside the local area that I’d like to hear more about. Reach out to John with the details so we can share your experience with the entire club.

Send your running related stories and articles to John at to be published on the CVR website.

Race Results/reviews: 

 Up Coming Events.

Paul Mailman
Now open for registration

Mutt Strutt
The Mutt Strutt is open for registration.

Fellow Tuesday night runners
For the month of February, join April Farnaham and crew to run/walk the Montpelier Bike path, starting from the 
Bear Naked Growler Pub
 at 186 River Street Montpelier,
 just off Rt 2 behind the Laser wash.
Run Walk time is 5:30 
They’ll run and/or walk 1 or 2 miles down the bike path and then return back to the pub. (or any other distance you want)
We will gather after at the Pub for a drink and a snack (bar food)

Richmond Trail Running Club
Richmond Trail Running Club is offering a WFA course tailored to trail runners. We have had the course open to our members for a few weeks, and now we are planning to open registration to all the other run clubs we know. Here is the registration link.

The dates are April 6th and 7th, and the venue is the East Monitor Barn in Richmond. Details are in the link. We would love to have some of the CVR community join us. The registration is open to anybody, but we are thinking we’ll keep it exclusive to run clubs for the next two weeks before Andrea Kane (our instructor) opens registration to the public on her page.

Other News

Running Pod Cast
Tim Noonan recommended a pod cast to me while at the awards dinner. It’s called “Nobody Asked Us with Des & Kara” It’s two Olympic runners sitting down and talking running. I just started it and am finding it engaging. Worth a listen.

The Governor’s Corporate Cup race committee is looking for new members.  The current committee includes Leslie Davis (chair), Mike Feulner, Pam Chisholm, Patty Turley, Jeff Bourdean, and Dot Helling. This year’s corporate cup will take place on Thursday, May 16th. Please email for more information.

CVR Equipment Use

 Anyone wanting to use equipment send Sal (and cc myself) a request that includes 1) Date equipment to be removed from the shed, 2) Itemized list of equipment being removed; including quantities, 3) Date equipment will be returned to the shed.  Please send Sal (and cc the club president) and email to let us know when the equipment has been returned.

10% off
Opened in October 2022 in Waitsfield Vermont The Mad Rover carries lifestyle and outdoor apparel for all seasons. We carry STIO, KUHL, PRANA, JETTY and FAIR HARBOR to name a few.
We stock backpacks and bags, Sunglasses, Jewelry, Socks, Hats and Hydration vessels of all sizes. All CVR members get 10% off.
Owner Steve Kenny has been an avid runner for 20 years


Elected Officers
President – Chris Andresen (
Vice President – Kim Caldwell
Finance – John Valentine
Secretary – Cheryl Lasell
At Large Executive Committee: Bob Murphy, Darragh Ellerson

Keep your feet moving

Chris Andresen  

If you have a comment or question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at: 

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