Thursdays at the U32 Track

Meet 2 on July 11 (no meet on July 4th)

Presented by Central Vermont Runners

Join us for low-key, informal track meets at U32 this summer! Events will be self-timed and open to everyone age 10 and up. This is a great opportunity for some friendly competition and to develop some speed.

Arrive at 5:30pm to sign up. First event will start at 6:00pm.

Each week will include a mix of sprint (100-400m), distance (800-1600+m), and relay events. The 100m will also be offered to kids 10 and under. We will do our best to fill any incomplete relay teams for those in need of teammates.

Events scheduled for July 11th meet (“B” week): 100m, 3200m, 200m, 600m, 4x400m

Meets will continue through July (except 7/4) with the possibility of field event(s) also being offered.

Please contact Dylan at with questions.

Meet 1 (June 27)

Contact Seth Jackson with any corrections.

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