Author: jhackney

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Jacob Miller-Arsenault & Nick Persampieri! Greetings from an internet challenged Adamant,Our internet is wonky in Adamant so I’m elsewhere in Vermont and getting this out early. A couple of important things.1. The Sodom Pond race is this Wednesday (9/20). A real nice 4 mile run. The roads are in good…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: September 13, 2023 Happy Birthday to: Priscilla Carr (new age group), Marcia Clark (new age group), Linda Hallinger, John Valentine, Joanne Garton, Richard Littauer, & Emery Mattheis(new age group)! Greetings from an early fall Adamant, According to, approximately 25% of Americans donate their time and energy in volunteering. According to an article by Barbra Field, volunteering does more…

  • News and Notes

    September 5, 2023 CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Maryke Gillis, Jeffrey Johnson, Donna Smyers, & Ruth Blauwiekel (new age group)! Greetings from a foggy Adamant morning, I’m putting out this week’s newsletter earlier for personal reasons.  It’s September! Wow! It seems like just a few weeks ago we were putting on the Capital City Stampede. However, it…

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