Author: jhackney

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Rima Carlson (new age group!) and Lillian Meyer! Hello from Montpelier,  It’s feeling like summer is finally about to arrive – and running events are in full swing in Vermont! This week’s newsletter is full of updates on races run, races to come, and opportunities to support in other races…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Shawn Bryan, Paschal DeBlasio, Barbara Flint, John Thornton-Sherman, Joel Thornton-Sherman, and Seth Jackson! Hello from Montpelier,  I just got home from the first 2024 CVR picnic at the new Hubbard Park shelter – what a lovely way to spend a Tuesday evening following Fun Run! There were quite a few…

  • Darragh Ellerson

    By Dot Helling I recently spent an afternoon with CVR “classics “Robert “Sigh” Searles (age 74) and Darragh Ellerson (age 93).  Their friendship predates the startup of Central Vermont Runners and Fun Run. Many memories were shared. One tidbit I never knew was that Sigh, along with Paul Mailman and Bob Oatley, would escort Darragh to races around…

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