Author: jhackney

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Jacob Bradley, Ruth Hannah Brown, Meghan Meyer, Stan Brinkerhoff, Sarah Williams, Doreen Audette, Carla Quandel, & Richard Boisseau! Greetings from a firm Adamant!  As seems typical these days, we’re experiencing significant weather swings. Last week I wrote about the softening roads and now they’ve firmed up due to the negative temperatures so don’t put your cleated shoes away…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Sawyer Tootle, Callum Sherriff, Jason Gravel, Nathan Suter, Tim Heney, Sandra Ferno, Roger Cranse, & Colin Clifford! Greetings from a softening Adamant!  Happy Valentines Day!  We had a little taste of mud season here in Adamant this past week. However, I can tell spring is coming as the roads are starting to soften. This makes them great…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: John Kaeding, Kate Vanden Bergh, Laury Saligman, Heather Voisin, Susan Dunklee,  & Tom Bachman! Greetings from sunny Adamant!  I think I’ve seen more sun in this first week of February than all of January! I got to do some fun club business this past Saturday. I stopped by the Millstone Madness snowshoe…

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