Author: jhackney

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: John Goodwin, Drew McConville, Diane Jones, Rob McDougall, April Farnham, & Ella Bradley (new age group)! Greetings from a changing Adamant!  I believe I joined CVR in 2008 after moving back to Vermont from Colorado. At the time I was a single father working full time and raising two boys (15 & 12 at the…

  • News and Notes

    CVR birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Susan Hackney, Morgan Lloyd, Peter Luyckx, Jamie Shanley, & Ben Feinson! Greetings from a reflecting Adamant!  This past Sunday was our annual awards dinner. There’s a sizeable group of people who work to make this event happen. The planning began at the last club meeting when a possible date was chosen by those in attendance. This…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Matthew Caldwell, Emily LeVan, Patrick Reimer, & Kimberly Williams! Greetings from a white Adamant! Yay! The snow has returned (at least for the moment), I got out for a nice cross country ski this morning but it’s now Tuesday night as I put this newsletter together and doppler radar seems to match…

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