Category: CVR President
News and Notes
CVR Birthdays December 2 – 15 Happy Birthday to: Nina Aitken (new age group!), Mike Harris, John Martin, Laura Medalie, Norm Robinson, Anne Treadwell, Stephen Brown, Elaine Moran, and Nusi Brown! Hello from Montpelier, I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving full of good food, family and friends, and perhaps a turkey trot (or three). The…
News and Notes
CVR Birthdays November 18 – December 1 Happy Birthday to: Darrel Lasell, Mary Nealon, Sarah Richardson, Jill Sudhoff-Guerin, Megan Valentine, Will Robens, Nicholas Kidder, Phoene Sherriff, Jill Weeks, and George Hamm! Hello from Montpelier, I hope everyone is gearing up for Thanksgiving, and all that comes with it – chaos, travel, family visits, maybe a turkey…
News and Notes
CVR Birthdays – November 4 – 17 Happy Birthday to: Phyllis Arsenault-Berry, Newton Baker, Brian Bushey, Gerow Carlson, Maryellen Copping, John Gardner-Morse, Asa Lloyd, Elizabeth McCarthy, Manny Sainz, Leslie Welts, Jennifer Dickinson, Chris Cote, Kevin Nadzam, Holly Fowler (New Age Group!), Jim Rohr, Ashley Piccirillo (New Age Group!), Justin Brown, Alexandria Whitcomb, Steph Lahr, and Erik…