Category: CVR President

  • News and Notes

    July 12, 2023 CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Kimberly Caldwell, James Lehneman (new age group!), Kira Saligman McGill, Dennis Casey, Blaise Smith, & Clara Ayer! Greetings from a soggy Adamant, We’re starting to dry out here in Adamant after Monday’s extreme rain storm. It will be some weeks before the roads around here are passable again. I hope you were…

  • News and Notes

    July 4, 2023 CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Jo-Ann Beaudin, Celine Blais, Brian Carlson, Estherline Carlson, Darragh Ellerson, Daniel Miller-Arsenault, Daniel Voisin, Elena Gustavson, Erika Campbell, & Cate Hegarty! Greetings from a flowering Adamant, Happy 4th of July to everyone. I hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying time in your running shoes. While the recent rains have made for some…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Richard Ferno (new age group!), Merill Creagh, Kim Musgrave, & Myles Thornton-Sherman! June 20, 2023 Greetings from an Adamant construction zone, Adamant is the process of being wired for fiber-optic cable. In regard to running, this means I will be getting this newsletter to you even quicker.  Last week I had spoken of the desire…

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