Category: CVR President

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Jaime Gadwah, Nicholas Managan (new age group!), Fred Pond, & Meg Voisin! Greetings from a damp Adamant, The days are growing shorter here in Vermont. With those shorter days comes an end to the Tuesday fun runs. It becomes too dark to see and more importantly, be seen, when running at 5:30. This will…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to Joe Merrill and Theresa Noonan Greetings from delightful Adamant,  I’m enjoying the cooler weather that has rolled in. The recent rains dropped an inch here in Adamant. I’m heading out to get a few more LT trail miles next week so there may not be a newsletter.  While there…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Audrey Acosta Greetings from quiet Adamant,  So… I erred on the results for the Vermont 100. Dylan contacted me and cued me in to my error. Dylan ran the race in 20:45:56. The first male was Roy Van Cleef (16:30:01) and first female was Aliza Lapierre (18:35:25).  The first female…

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