Category: CVR President

  • News and Notes

    4/03/2024 CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Meg Allison, Jackie Jancaitis, Ben Kidder, Jean Miller-Arsenault, Ricky McClain, Luke Miller, Alexander Maurice (new age group), and Robin Jackson! Hello from Montpelier,  It’s my first News and Notes as the newly elected club president, and I wanted to introduce myself briefly as I’m still a relative newcomer to the club and…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Heidi Hales, Ben Ellingson, & Katie Hulbert! Chilly greetings from Adamant,  It’s spring here so the crocus are up at the Coop, daffodils are starting to poke through, still some mud (but not as deep), it was snowing this morning, and this past Saturday was the Shamrock Shuffle race in Lebanon. My…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Ann Bushey, Michael Chernick (new age group), Dot Helling, Evan Thornton-Sherman (new age group), Andrew Tripp, & Andy Gilbert ! Greetings from snowy and muddy Adamant!  From our neighbor to the east…IT’S SHAMROCK TIMEEEEE!!!!!!!: The Shamrock Shuffle is one of my favorite racing events of the year because it is one where the community always turns out!…

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