Category: CVR President

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Bob Howe, Ava Shanley, Keely Koenig, Scott Hess, Kae Zaino, & Amanda Ellingson! Greetings from slopy Adamant!  We appear to be truly sliding into mud season. There are a couple of roads I won’t drive or walk until they firm significantly.  Dot and I were talking to Donna Smyers at Town Meeting Day and we…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Kari Bradley, Donald Singer, Jonnie Dunne, Carl Etnier, & Peter Maurais! Happy Leap Year from Adamant!  The club has a member whose birthday is February 29th. Since their actual birthday only occurs every four years, do they get to choose to race in their annual age or the age dependent on when they…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Jacob Bradley, Ruth Hannah Brown, Meghan Meyer, Stan Brinkerhoff, Sarah Williams, Doreen Audette, Carla Quandel, & Richard Boisseau! Greetings from a firm Adamant!  As seems typical these days, we’re experiencing significant weather swings. Last week I wrote about the softening roads and now they’ve firmed up due to the negative temperatures so don’t put your cleated shoes away…

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