CVR Birthdays this week:
Happy Birthday to: Ann Bushey, Michael Chernick (new age group), Dot Helling, Evan Thornton-Sherman (new age group), Andrew Tripp, & Andy Gilbert !
Greetings from snowy and muddy Adamant!
From our neighbor to the east…IT’S SHAMROCK TIMEEEEE!!!!!!!: The Shamrock Shuffle is one of my favorite racing events of the year because it is one where the community always turns out! AND this year in particular is special because not only is the Shamrock part of our racing series, NOT ONLY is it part of the New Hampshire Grand Prix, BUT it is in THREE Racing series including our friends and neighbors the Central Vermont Runners! It’s a great time to connect with our broader running community! So our club tent will be set up on the Lebanon green and will be a gathering point for us and others. Feel free to come by before and after the race to hang out, drop off your stuff (dry clothes, snackies, sundries, etc), and socialize with your fellow runners! For those interested we’ll also try to do a group warm up around 11:35 before the race!
We’re getting closer to the March 24th club meeting. The meeting will be held from 4-6PM and will be hosted by Holly Fowler and Scott Richardson. Their house is located at 67 Bliss Rd, Montpelier. Holly requests people park along the street (odd side), so as to not box in the driveway.
Here’s the agenda:
1. Review/approve minutes from last meeting
2. Financial Report
3. Club elections
Current Candidates:
President: Heather Tomlins
Vice-president: Donna Smyers*
Financial officer: John Valentine
Secretary: Cheryl Lasell
At-large member: Anne Treadwell
At-large member: Dot Helling
- Membership Report (Stan?)
- Authorize spring grants and plan for summer or fall (Ann will present)
- Authorize any other equipment spending and be sure we have bibs, pins, cones, etc. (we’ve mentioned “Start” and “Finish” flags)
- Did we ever amend the by-laws for the new quorum requirement. Make it easier to reach quorum. Current by-law states “A quorum shall consist of 5% of the membership. The membership number used shall be the latest number provided by the membership coordinator. No official meeting shall be held unless a quorum is present” I believe we’d like to change it a minimum of club members rather than a percentage.
- Race Reports (Past: NYE, Millstone, Upcoming: Paul Mailman-Kari, Mutt-Mary Ellen, Adamant-Donna). Might note change of date for Groton? Find RD for Bear Swamp?
- WGR Summary, Plan for Trail Runs in the summer
- Establish meeting schedule for 2024 or at least the next meeting
- Verify non elected positions: Membership, Webmaster, Series Accounting, (Newsletter?), Equipment Mgr, anything else?
- Other Business that I would like to discuss if there is interest: Find a real newsletter editor, post run social plan for Tuesdays, schedule next clothing order. Donna can give a summary of what was ordered at the last clothing order.
*Donna has offered to fill the Vice-President position until someone else steps up.
It’s not too late to put your hat into the ring for one of the club positions…
Winter Group Runs
Some muddy roads and a little ice were no match for a mighty group coming out to eat some hills for breakfast in Plainfield last weekend. This weekend we are still TBD but check Thursday for updates. More info and the WGR sign-up sheet are here. We will send out more details in a Thursday email blast to the WGR listserv.
There is one slot left for hosts this season (March 30), so If you’ve been thinking about hosting this season, now is the time to sign up on the google sheet here. If no one signs up to host, expect Montpelier-based runs, so if you want to change it up, suggest a run!!
Trail Running
If you’re interested, a group runs up Spruce Mt in Plainfield Sunday mornings. They start at 7. Keep wearing your orange.
Fun Run
Now that daylight savings time is here, CVR folks plan to start our traditional “unofficial fun runs” at 5:30 on Tuesdays at the Montpelier Bike Path from the Dept of Labor Parking lot. Not that there is anything official about them the rest of the year, but our sign says May-Nov on the bike path, so until May we call it “unofficial”.
April Farnham has kept great momentum going for the Tuesday 5:30 runs over the winter by varying the location between Barre and Montpelier and meeting at a place with food and beer. Some may continue running from Pearl St Pizza in Barre on Tuesdays at 5:30 through March. We’ll call that the unofficial, unofficial run.
Membership Renewal – Reminder
Stan reports we have 129 members who have an expiration of 3/31/2023.
68 Single Members (52%)
23 Family / Household registrations that consist of ….
* 61 are members of families
Check your status!
There’s a link to RunReg at (“JOIN CVR”). This page also has a printable form for those who prefer to mail their renewal.
Renewing with a multi-year membership means fewer year-end renewals for you and less administration for the club.
Volunteers needed for two upcoming CVR races:
Volunteer on the CVR website or contact us at the email addresses below.
Paul Mailman 10 Mile/5K on Saturday, April 13th: Contact John Hackney at
Mutt Strut on Sunday, April 21st: Contact Maryellen Copping at
Race SeriesThe race series is on again! Allee from ORO is putting out a new poster for the race series.
There is a change to the race series. The Groton Forest Trail Run has been moved to September 7th.
Web Site
I know we’ve had members running some races outside the local area that I’d like to hear more about. Reach out to John with the details so we can share your experience with the entire club.
Send your running related stories and articles to John at to be published on the CVR website.
Race Results/reviews:
Up Coming Events.
Shamrock Shuffle
Shamrock Shuffle, March 16th in Lebanon NH. Part of the CVR race series!
For race details, go to
Paul Mailman
Now open for registration
Mutt Strutt
The Mutt Strutt is open for registration.
Adamant Half-marathon
The Adamant Half-marathon is open for registration. Donna reports 32 have already signed up! This a great prep run for VCM.
Capital City Stampede
Just a note to share that the Capital City Stampede registration is live as of 6 p.m. today.
Check out the race page on the CVR website at
John Hackney did a great job setting up the race page. We added photos from last year’s race, with the goal of boosting inclusivity. Lots of smiling faces!
Onion River Outdoors is helping as a host. Race registration will be indoors in the common area next to ORO’s new location on Main Street. Runners and volunteers will have access to indoor bathrooms.
New this year at Capital City is a 5k Power Walk option. The Power Walk is open to age levels from 10 and up. As with Northfield, the Power Walkers will start two minutes after the runners. Power Walk awards will be by 20-year age groups.
We plan to apply to have the 10k race endorsed by the New England 65+ Runners Club.
St Monica/St Michael 5K
St Monica and St Michael are hosting their 7th annual 5k fun run/walk on May 31 to help raise funds for the school.
Blue Ridge Marathon
Runners wanted!!! We know the Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon is a “bucket list” item for many and we have our own bucket list too … to have a runner from all 50 states to have participated in the BRM!
We have representatives from 37 states so far and are on the hunt for the final 13. So if you know a runner (or are a runner) who CURRENTLY LIVES in Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana. Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont or Wyoming we will give you a FREE entry to the 4/20 race if you are the first one to sign up! (Contact us for details)
Sign up now:
The price of The M&T Bank Vermont City Marathon & Relay is about to go up, don’t miss out on this opportunity to sign up before the price increase!
MarathonCurrent Price$145New Price$165Current Price Valid UntilMar 15, 2024 at 11:59pm EDT2 Person Relay TeamCurrent Price$225New Price$250Current Price Valid UntilMar 15, 2024 at 11:59pm EDT3-5 Person Relay TeamCurrent Price$275New Price$300Current Price Valid UntilMar 15, 2024 at 11:59pm EDTWheelchair RaceCurrent Price$145New Price$165Current Price Valid UntilMar 15, 2024 at 11:59pm EDTMarathon – VirtualCurrent Price$145New Price$165Current Price Valid UntilMar 15, 2024 at 11:59pm EDT |
Richmond Trail Running Club
Richmond Trail Running Club is offering a WFA course tailored to trail runners. We have had the course open to our members for a few weeks, and now we are planning to open registration to all the other run clubs we know. Here is the registration link.
The dates are April 6th and 7th, and the venue is the East Monitor Barn in Richmond. Details are in the link. We would love to have some of the CVR community join us. The registration is open to anybody, but we are thinking we’ll keep it exclusive to run clubs for the next two weeks before Andrea Kane (our instructor) opens registration to the public on her page.
Vermont’s 100 on 100 Relay Race
AUGUST 10, 2024
Round up your closest friends and prepare to take on 100 miles of scenic Vermont terrain–while you make an endless supply of memories! The 100 on 100 Relay is a challenging relay where friends converge from across the country to complete 100 miles together along Vermont’s historic Route 100. Push beyond your limits, lean on your teammates, and complete something extraordinary. Plus, we’ll be having an epic after-party at the finish line with delicious food, live music, and beer (21+).
Other News
Hi All,
John Hackney is setting up a training for timing using Runscore at his house on March 23rd in the afternoon (that’s the day before the Annual Meeting). I’m trying to remember who has said they might be interested. We’d love to get 3-5 people trained so we have some good depth to the team.
Donna Smyers (
Charlie Windisch is currently reading a great book called “The Perfect Mile” by Neal Bascomb. (It’s been out since 2004 but still a good read). The story goes back to 1952, a time when no one had broken the 4 minute mile, and focuses on Roger Bannister, John Landy and Wes Santee. Fast forward to 2024 and we learn that Evan Thornton Sherman broke the four minute barrier (3:59:81). Breaking 4 minutes is the standard now for any good male miler. But even more impressive according to Charlie is the effort by Englishman Josh Kerr over the weekend at the Millrose Games in the two mile run. Josh ran a few tenths of a second over 8 minutes! Unbelievable.
Running Pod Cast
Tim Noonan recommended a pod cast to me while at the awards dinner. It’s called “Nobody Asked Us with Des & Kara” It’s two Olympic runners sitting down and talking running. I just started it and am finding it engaging. Worth a listen.
CVR Equipment Use
Elected Officers
President – Chris Andresen (
Vice President – Kim Caldwell
Finance – John Valentine
Secretary – Cheryl Lasell
At Large Executive Committee: Bob Murphy, Darragh Ellerson
John Hackney: web page and timing
Donna Smyers: timing
Sal Acosta: Equipment tracking/storage.
Bob Murphy: timing
Stan Brinkerhoff: club membership tracking
Jackie Jancaitis: Race director support
Heather Tomlins: Winter Group Run organization.
Jeff Prescott: MailChimp Administrator
Ann Bushey: Running Grants
Joe Merrill: Race Series Tracking and Awards Dinner MC
Keep your feet moving,
Chris Andresen
If you have a comment or question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at: