News and Notes

CVR Birthdays this week:

Happy Birthday to: Michael Chartrand (new age group!), Gordon MacFarland, Mike Giberti, and Daniel Sherman!

Hello from Montpelier, 

I hope everyone was able to pause their Monday afternoon this week to watch the total eclipse – what an awe-inspiring and amazing event! I personally had never seen a total eclipse in my lifetime before – I have been lucky enough to catch a few partial eclipses – but I truly wasn’t prepared for just how spectacular and astonishing it would be. I was lucky enough to watch it with some visiting friends, cheering along with my neighbors as we all came outside to experience it together. It was also so wonderful to see downtown Montpelier teeming with visitors. And almost as amazing was the fact that we had warm temps and clear skies to be able to enjoy it, which I gather wasn’t the case in many other spots along the path of totality. 

The extremes of last week’s snowstorm paired with warmth and sunshine is April in Vermont I suppose – but I’m hopeful that we’re at the start of true spring now, and along with it the races and runs we have planned, so read on for updates, including Kaynor’s Sap Run results and the return of the Double Dirt Challenge!

Heather Tomlins                               

Recent Race Results

CVR had a great turnout at this past weekend’s Kaynor’s Sap Run, a 10K put on by the Green Mountain Athletic Association (GMAA). Cherry-picking a few photos of CVR participants from the GMAA race website – below, I spy Mack, Anne, Joe, and Donna (with Chris Cote right behind her!) – but if you check out the results site, you may find a photo of yourself and your finishing time! Great work all, and a gorgeous day for the race too.

Upcoming Races and Volunteer Needs
 Saturday, April 13, 8:45am: CVR’s Paul Mailman 10 miler and 5K, Montpelier. This is a CVR/ORO race series race with a mixture of pavement and dirt – a really fun course with only one hill in the 10 miles. The race is this weekend, there’s still time to register online, but race day registration is available if you can show up early!Volunteer roster is full – Thank you all!Sunday, April 21, 10:00am: the Mutt Strut 5K, Waterbury. Pretty self-explanatory – run with your pup, or if you don’t have one but want to hang out with the big dogs, meet a lot of other pups! Always a fun event. (Maryellen has enough volunteers signed up – amazing job folks!).And on deck…Saturday, May 11, 10:00am: CVR’s Adamant Half Marathon and Relay, Adamant. This is a CVR/ORO race series race – a very fun and challenging figure-8 course through the hills and valleys of beautiful Adamant – don’t miss it! Pre-registrations have been strong, and thus volunteer planning is starting – Donna is still looking for volunteers so please sign up to volunteer through the members link on the website or send her an email at Thank you!And a new and exciting development – the Double Dirt Challenge will be back this year after all! For intrepid racers – Craftsbury will host the Genny Tenny on Sunday, May 12 (Mother’s Day) and runners who compete in both the Adamant Half and the Genny Tenny will be eligible for a special finisher’s medal (and bragging rights). More details on the Adamant Half website above and the Genny Tenny website (discounted entry to Genny Tenny for DD participants!).Saturday, June 8, 9am: CVR’s Capital City Stampede 10K and 5K Power Walk, Montpelier. This is a CVR/ORO race series race – the fastest 10K course in Vermont! This race is also shared with the Vermont Senior Games Association. New this year is a 5K Power Walk option that will be open to ages 10 and up.CVR cannot put on races without volunteer support, and your help is needed. Please volunteer now to help the race directors fill necessary jobs and plan for full race day support. Volunteer now online using the Volunteer link on the CVR website homepage at OR by email to the race directors above.                           
Winter Group Runs –> Spring Group Runs –> Fun Runs –> Trail Season!
Thanks to Michelle Risley for hosting our final official WGR this past weekend in Danville! The big spring snow dump last Thursday meant that her planned routes needed to be re-worked, and a small but intrepid group joined for some snowy but sunny miles. Thank you Michelle and to everyone who participated in WGRs this season! 

There have discussions about continuing the Saturday group runs until the trail season starts in later May/early June (depending on conditions). There is no official coordinator for these runs, but we are looking into putting together some ways to get information out to folks interested in meeting up on weekends. While we figure that out, feel free to suggest a run meetup on this google sheet and let me know you did so, that way we can get the word out through this weekly email.           

Tuesday Fun Runs
Tuesday Fun Runs from the DoL parking lot have begun, even if the sign on the bike path says they aren’t “official” until May. We are currently discussing how to incorporate a more regular social aspect to the Tuesday Fun Runs – this plan will evolve as the spring/summer unfolds but we’ll start with meeting after the Fun Run on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Bear Naked Growler (we will check back in May as their schedule has been a little hard to track, but we’ll update on the meeting location the week before) and on the last Tuesday at Penzo’s Pizza. Fun Runs will still start/end at the DoL parking lot though. For the month of April:

  • April 30 – Penzo’s 

Trail Running
Trail running is still getting organized for the summer. Keep your eyes open for trail running info in coming weekly newsletters. The club is looking at organizing all group running opportunities in one place, so check here for updates.                                   
Club Needs, Opportunities, and Reminders

Quarterly Newsletter Support
We are still looking for a club member to support on the quarterly newsletter, which has gone dormant the past few years. If you are someone with skills in digital publications (such as formatting or using a software platform to do layouts) please reach out. This would be roughly a 4x a year commitment. Speaking of newsletter, do you have a story you’d like to tell that you’d like featured in a future newsletter? All ideas are welcome!Send pitches or fully formed content through John Hackney at and he can route appropriately. We can also feature short notes on your races or running adventures outside the region on the website – if you have competed in or undertaken a cool running adventure and want the club to know about it, you can share those with John as well to be published on the CVR website. Green Up Day
The Club will host its own Green Up on a weeknight around Green Up Day. Club volunteers will green up the Fun Run course. I will share more information in the coming weeks on when, where, and what to bring!

Membership Renewal – Reminder 
Stan is sending out a reminder to folks about renewing. Renew so you can continue to receive these amazing newsletters! It takes less than 5 minutes.  Check your status! There’s a link to RunReg at (“JOIN CVR”). This page also has a printable form for those who prefer to mail their renewal. Renewing with a multi-year membership means fewer year-end renewals for you and less administration for the club. 

CVR Equipment Use
Anyone wanting to use equipment send Sal (and cc myself) a request that includes 1) Date equipment to be removed from the shed, 2) Itemized list of equipment being removed; including quantities, 3) Date equipment will be returned to the shed.  Please send Sal (and cc the club president) and email to let us know when the equipment has been returned.Race SeriesThe race series is on again! We are working with ORO to update the below poster so it reflects the correct race date for the Groton Forest Trail Run, which is on September 7th. Once it is updated I will post that here.

News, Races, and Updates from around the Region

The New England Challenge – 2 Coupons Available for Discounted Marathons/Half Marathons
We still have 2 coupons available for CVR members interested in the New England Challenge race series. This is a six day marathon race series, where each consecutive day they hold a race in one of the New England states. The series begins in Fairlee, Vermont on May 10th and ends in Hartford, CT on May 15th. Their marathon courses are USATF certified, looped courses and are chip timed. All participants receive a race singlet, and finishers receive a medal. If you are interested in a coupon, please reach out to me, first come first served.

St Monica/St Michael 5K
St Monica and St Michael are hosting their 7th annual 5k fun run/walk on May 31 to help raise funds for the school.

Blue Ridge Marathon
Runners wanted!!! We know the Foot Levelers Blue Ridge Marathon is a “bucket list” item for many and we have our own bucket list too … to have a runner from all 50 states to have participated in the BRM!
We have representatives from 37 states so far and are on the hunt for the final 13. So if you know a runner (or are a runner) who CURRENTLY LIVES in Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana. Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont or Wyoming we will give you a FREE entry to the 4/20 race if you are the first one to sign up! (Contact us for details)
Sign up now:

VCMThe price of The M&T Bank Vermont City Marathon & Relay is about to go up, don’t miss out on this opportunity to sign up before the price increase! 
Richmond Trail Running Club
Richmond Trail Running Club is offering a WFA course tailored to trail runners. We have had the course open to our members for a few weeks, and now we are planning to open registration to all the other run clubs we know. Here is the registration link.

The dates are April 6th and 7th, and the venue is the East Monitor Barn in Richmond. Details are in the link. We would love to have some of the CVR community join us. The registration is open to anybody, but we are thinking we’ll keep it exclusive to run clubs for the next two weeks before Andrea Kane (our instructor) opens registration to the public on her page.Vermont’s 100 on 100 Relay Race
AUGUST 10, 2024Round up your closest friends and prepare to take on 100 miles of scenic Vermont terrain–while you make an endless supply of memories! The 100 on 100 Relay is a challenging relay where friends converge from across the country to complete 100 miles together along Vermont’s historic Route 100. Push beyond your limits, lean on your teammates, and complete something extraordinary. Plus, we’ll be having an epic after-party at the finish line with delicious food, live music, and beer (21+).

10% off
Opened in October 2022 in Waitsfield Vermont The Mad Rover carries lifestyle and outdoor apparel for all seasons. We carry STIO, KUHL, PRANA, JETTY and FAIR HARBOR to name a few. We stock backpacks and bags, Sunglasses, Jewelry, Socks, Hats and Hydration vessels of all sizes. All CVR members get 10% off. Owner Steve Kenny has been an avid runner for 20 years.
Club Info:Elected Officers
President – Heather Tomlins
Vice President – Tim Noonan
Finance – John Valentine
Secretary – Cheryl Lasell
At Large Executive Committee: Anne Treadwell & Dot Helling

John Hackney: web page and timing
Donna Smyers: timing
Sal Acosta: Equipment tracking/storage
Stan Brinkerhoff: club membership tracking
Jackie Jancaitis: Race director support
Heather Tomlins: Winter Group Run organization.
Jeff Prescott: MailChimp Administrator
Ann Bushey: Running Grants
Joe Merrill: Race Series Tracking and Awards Dinner MC

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