News and Notes

CVR Birthdays this week:

Happy Birthday to: Sandra Ferno, John Kaeding, Nathan Suter (new age group!), Kate Vanden Bergh (new age group!), Heather Voisin, Laury Saligman, & Ali Lopez!

Greetings from sleepy Adamant,

A little-known fact is that I was diagnosed with dyslexia in the first grade. I still have memories of my father holding up flash cards with “was” and “saw”. Spelling was always a struggle for me, and I figured early in life I wasn’t meant to be an accountant. I’m sure my struggles growing up have, in part, led me to be more relaxed about most errors being made, either by me or by people around me.  Hence, the corrected newsletter I sent out last week after it was politely pointed out to me that I had misspelled a name. I apologize for my mistake.  In fact, another error, that I’ll correct this week, was also nicely pointed out to me.  I’m also aware that over the past year runner’s names have been occasionally misspelled or a timing issue came up. It seems these were resolved without too much angst.   As we go through this next running season and issues come up, my hope is that people will continue to understand we are all doing our best to put on enjoyable events.  Thank you.

Winter Runs are HERE!
Winter Group Runs (WGRs) are here! Last weekend’s WGR in Northfield, delayed a day due to the arctic temperatures, was still cold but bright and sunny, drawing out a great group who ran for some Valentine’s chocolates thanks to host Rowly Brucken! Thank you Rowly! 

This weekend we will have a more relaxed, un-hosted run from downtown Montpelier, as we anticipate many folks may be diverted by the Millstone Snowshoe race happening in Barre on Saturday morning. Whether you hit the roads and paths of Montpelier or get those snowshoes on in Barre, enjoy the relative warmth of this week! More info and sign-up sheet are here. We will send out more details in a Thursday email blast to the WGR listserv- if you want to join that list, email Donna Smyers or Heather Tomlins.

Were you aware the Winter Group Runs are recorded on Strava? Check with Donna or Heather if you want to join.

Web Site
John has offered to publish members’ running related stories on the CVR website. You can send him your articles about racing, running vacations, CVR history, or whatever you have written that you think other CVR members would be interested to read. There is no set schedule; you can submit articles whenever you have them, and they will be published within a few days on the website. Contact John at to submit your article or with any questions that you may have.

Race Series
It’s a new year and Joe and John are the ones handling the race series tracking.  Head here cvroro race series – Central Vermont Runners ( to check out who’s where.

Up Coming Events.

Millstone Madness Snowshoe Race

Want a chance to win a pair of snowshoes?  It might not look like snowshoe racing weather yet but the snow should be coming. It’s a crazy race, 3 miles with unpredictable snow conditions, and who knows how much time anyone will have trained on snow. 

There will be a beautiful well marked course, fire with marshmallows, and hot cocoa. I am extremely excited that we have a new sponsor, Dion Snowshoes. They have donated a pair of snowshoes to raffle off to participants! 
Race registration is open at or by mail at
February 11, 2023

The snowshoe race price increases after Tuesday 1/31/23. 

Millstone Trails, Barre Town Forest, Barre, VT

For more information: Contact Jackie Jancaitis at:

Kaynor’s Sap Run
42nd GMAA, Kaynor’s Sap Run
Sunday, March 26, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. (This may have been rescheduled to April 1 but the website still state March date).

Mutt Strut
It’s now possible to sign up for the Mutt Strut. The Mutt Strut is scheduled for April 23rd.

Lebanon Shamrock Shuffle
Lebanon Shamrock Shuffle is a fast one, cruising through neighborhoods and along the scenic Mascoma River. March 18, 2023.

Half Marathon Unplugged
Registration is open for the 17th annual Half Marathon Unplugged. Saturday April 8 –

The RRCA Eastern Region Championship Series

4/1/2023.  Asbury Park Half Marathon, Jersey Shore Running Club,  Asbury Park, NJ

5/7/2023  Mountain Goat 10 Mile Run, Syracuse Track Club/Mountain Goat Foundation, Syracuse, NY

5/28/2023 M&T Bank Vermont City Marathon, Run Vermont, Burlington, Vermont

5/29/2023 Loudoun Street Mile, Shenandoah Valley Runners, Winchester, VA

07/08/2023 Twisted Trail 10K Cross Country, Blue Ridge Trail Runners, Belford, VA

7/22/2023 Kicks 4 Kids 5K, River City Runners & Walkers, Parkersburg, WV

9/10/2023. Malta 10K, Roundabout Runners Club, Malta, NY

10/1/2023. Blues Cruise Ultra, 50K, Leesport, PA

CVR Equipment Use
 Anyone wanting to use equipment send Sal (and cc myself) a request that includes 1) Date equipment to be removed from the shed, 2) Itemized list of equipment being removed; including quantities, 3) Date equipment will be returned to the shed.  Please send Sal (and cc the club president) and email to let us know when the equipment has been returned.

The Club Timing Clock 
If you use the club timing clock, it’s important it be returned the next day. The clock is used for a lot of events other than club races. It’s club policy that if the clock is requested for a non-CVR event, a CVR member must be present to ensure proper handling.

Free: 2 like-new blue Icestripe ID bracelets. Like-new, never worn. Do not include ID plates. Perfect for someone who already has an ID bracelet (Icestripe, RoadID) and would like a new color for their plate.

Free: Nathan running vest. Excellent condition, but needs a new bladder.
Graham Sherriff at


Elected Officers
President – Chris Andresen (
Vice President – Kim Caldwell
Finance – John Valentine
Secretary – Cheryl Lasell
At Large Executive Committee: Bob Murphy, Darragh Ellerson

Keep your feet moving

Chris Andresen  

If you have a comment or question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at: 

CVR sponsored by





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