CVR Birthdays this week:
Happy Birthday to: Bob Emmons, Robert Mercier, Bob Patterson, Tom Mowatt, & Richard Wiswal!
Happy Spring everyone!
Spring officially came Monday. I think I even saw a few crocus in front of the Adamant Coop before they were covered up with snow. Spring is a time of transition for me. My neighbor, Donna Smyers, has said that her triathlons are often won or lost in the transition between sections of the event. Her approach is to never sit down. Given Donna’s record for winning, it seems like good advice. While the spring is not a race and transition here in Adamant takes a little longer than changing from a wetsuit to bike gear, I still like the approach of never sitting down. For me, spring means acceptance of what each day brings me and being open to adjusting to the changing conditions, but…never sitting down.
I look forward to seeing you on the road.
As always, watch your footing, wear bright colored clothes, watch for cars, stay healthy, and have fun.
Winter Group Runs
WGRs are rapidly coming to a close, with just three left this season. Last weekend’s Waterbury run was a bit of a bust as it seems a lot of club members took off for the Shamrock Shuffle in Lebanon NH – hopefully a crew is back in VT this weekend to finally tackle McCullough hill in Middlesex, which was off limits from our January meetup due to icy conditions. Though we seem to be tipping right into mud season, the run is early enough in the day to hopefully avoid any major mud but watch your footing in any ruts! More info and sign-up sheet are here. Look for the details Thursday, and as always, if you want to join that list, email Donna Smyers or Heather Tomlins.
There were two hardy souls at the WGR in Waterbury this past Saturday. Jim and I had a great time walking part of the Leaf Peepers course.
Club Meeting
I have reserved the Adamant Community Club building here in Adamant for our March meeting. The meeting will be Sunday, March 26th from 3-5PM. As its being held at the Adamant Community Club, I’d like to offer snacks for members to munch on as we work through the meeting. Please feel free to bring something to share. Below is the current agenda. This is your club so bring up your concerns and thoughts how we can be a better club. Thanks!
1. Introduction: New Members and everyone
2. Approve Meeting Minutes from last meeting
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Election of officers
5. Race Updates/Race Safety
6. Winter Group Runs
7. Membership Report
8. Include Upper Valley Race in CVR race series
9. Proposal to share race funds with Senior Games
10. Proposed meeting dates for next meeting
11. Adjourn
Membership Renewal – Reminder
We are in the renewal time of year. If your membership year is 2022, your membership will expire on 3/31/2023.
There’s a link to RunReg at (“JOIN CVR”). This page also has a printable form for those who prefer to mail their renewal.
Do consider renewing with a multi-year membership. This means fewer year-end renewals for you and less administration for the club.
Not sure whether your membership is due for renewal in 2023?
• check your membership card *
• check when your membership expires by logging in to the CVR website at (instructions at:
• contact me at and I’ll confirm your renewal date
* Need a new card for yourself or other household members? Let me know!
Were you aware the Winter Group Runs are recorded on Strava? Check with Donna or Heather if you want to join.
Web Site
We have a story sent in by a member that is now posted on the website. It’s by Joe Merrill about his and Katie’s trip to Bermuda to run the Bermuda Triangle Challenge. Here’s a link to the story on the Member Posts page: Please send any running related stories and articles that you think other members would be interested to read to John at
Race Series
It’s a new year and Joe and John are the ones handling the race series tracking. Head here cvroro race series – Central Vermont Runners ( to check out your competition.
Trail Running
Mark informed me that trail running has gone into hibernation for the winter. For those who like to be on trails year-round, I encourage you to look into a set of micro-spikes from Onion River Outdoors. The folks there can also suggest a wide range of trails to explore and how best to do it.
Other runs
Day Light Saving time has happened and Spring is here! Civil twilight is now about 7:30 PM. There was a great turnout Tuesday night with a lot wearing bright/reflective clothes and lights. The days continue to lengthen by roughly 3 minutes.
Volunteers are needed for the Paul Mailman races on April 15th and Mutt Strut on April 23. Please volunteer with the new simplified online process on the CVR homepage OR contact Maryellen Copping at for Mutt Strut or John Hackney at for Paul Mailman.
All of the remaining races for 2023 are open and accepting volunteers online using the link on the homepage, so please support CVR’s races and the race directors by volunteering now. Contact John Hackney with any questions about volunteering.
Girls on the Run
Emily Carr • Gallison Hill Rd, Montpelier
The Girls on the Run program is slated to start Monday the 27th for 3rd – 5th graders in Montpelier. Problem is, registration has not opened up for UES because no one has signed up to coach. I know there are many runners in this town. If you are interested in coaching and providing an opportunity for our children to build confidence, please consider signing up.
Race Results/reviews:
Lebanon Shamrock Shuffle
The Lebanon NH Shamrock Shuffle was held this past Saturday. A quick glance at the results shows Donna Smyers & Bob Murphy winning their respective age groups. John Valentine was third in his age group. Darrel and Cheryl Lasell also represented the club.
Up Coming Events.
Kaynor’s Sap Run
42nd GMAA, Kaynor’s Sap Run
Sunday, April 1, 2023 at 11:00 a.m..
Paul Mailman
Paul Mailman 10 mile and 5K are now open for registration in Run Signup. The Paul Mailman is scheduled for April 15th
Mutt Strut
It’s now possible to sign up for the Mutt Strut. The Mutt Strut is scheduled for April 23rd.
5k St. Shuffle
St. Monica-St. Michael is hosting their 5th annual 5k St. Shuffle fun run/walk on 5/31/23 at the scenic trail run past historic granite quarries. Start and finish at the field across from Millstone Lodge. Register by May 13 to get a t-shirt! All entrants get a raffle ticket and post-race cook-out.
Adamant Half Marathon
The Adamant Half Marathon already has 17 people signed up. If you’re looking for a fun run through the hills of Vermont, this is your race.
Half Marathon Unplugged
Registration is open for the 17th annual Half Marathon Unplugged. Saturday April 8 –
100 on 100
Vermont’s 100 on 100 Relay Race is AUGUST 12, 2023
Round up your closest friends and prepare to take on 100 miles of scenic Vermont terrain–while you make an endless supply of memories! The 100 on 100 Relay is a challenging relay where friends converge from across the country to complete 100 miles together along Vermont’s historic Route 100. Push beyond your limits, lean on your teammates, and complete something extraordinary. Plus, we’ll be having an epic after-party at the finish line with delicious food, live music, and beer (21+).
Dandelion Run/Walk/Bike
May 20, 2023
Derby, Morgan, and Holland, Vermont
This is a great half marathon as well as 10 km, 4 mile, 2 mile, 1 mile options.
CVR Equipment Use
Anyone wanting to use equipment send Sal (and cc myself) a request that includes 1) Date equipment to be removed from the shed, 2) Itemized list of equipment being removed; including quantities, 3) Date equipment will be returned to the shed. Please send Sal (and cc the club president) and email to let us know when the equipment has been returned.
The Club Timing Clock
If you use the club timing clock, it’s important it be returned the next day. The clock is used for a lot of events other than club races. It’s club policy that if the clock is requested for a non-CVR event, a CVR member must be present to ensure proper handling.
Free: 2 like-new blue Icestripe ID bracelets. Like-new, never worn. Do not include ID plates. Perfect for someone who already has an ID bracelet (Icestripe, RoadID) and would like a new color for their plate.
Elected Officers
President – Chris Andresen (
Vice President – Kim Caldwell
Finance – John Valentine
Secretary – Cheryl Lasell
At Large Executive Committee: Bob Murphy, Darragh Ellerson
Keep your feet moving
Chris Andresen
If you have a comment or question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at: