Category: Uncategorized

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: amazingly there are no CVR birthdays this week!  Hello from Montpelier,  This morning I went out for a short run (I’m on a comeback after a long absence) and saw buds popping on the lilac bushes in a neighbor’s front yard, then noticed some daffodils blooming further along and a…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Nina Aitken, Mike Harris, Anne Treadwell, & Tim Favorite! Greetings from gray and muddy Adamant, Seems like we’re still in November weather.  I’ve watched the local ponds freeze and thaw a dozen times this fall. I’d appreciate some consistently cold weather. The upside is that the local roads around Adamant have softened. So,…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Brynn Bushey & Darrel Lasell! Greetings from quiet Adamant, It’s the Tuesday before Thanksgiving as I write this and I feel very appreciative of our running club.  A lot of the daily news highlights a divisive world. Yet on a cold Saturday morning, thirty-five runners, aged from twelve to seventy, stood shoulder to shoulder on…

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