Author: jhackney
News and Notes
CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Gerow M. Carlson, Maryellen Copping, John Gardner-Morse, Asa Lloyd, Elizabeth McCarthy, Sarah Richardson, Jill Sudhoff-Guerin, Chris Cote, Kevin Nadzam (new age group), & Lauren Lande! Greetings from a continually gray Adamant, These gray days are getting a little old. Donna Smyers told me that if this trend continues through the end of the month, this will be the grayest November…
News and Notes
CVR birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Manuel Sainz (ex-president), Leslie Welts, Jennifer Dickinson, Douglas Glover, James Rohr, & Ashley Piccirillo-Horan! Greetings from a gray Adamant, Recently I’ve had the opportunity to recall my first interaction with the Central Vermont Running Club. It was the end of June, 2008. A week earlier I had moved back to Vermont from Colorado with my…
News and Notes
CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Phyllis Arsenault-Berry, Brian Bushey, Eliza Gardner-Morse, Holly Fowler, & Heather Malone! Greetings from a frosted Adamant, It was 27F here Tuesday morning. While plants are still growing in the greenhouse, the outside garden is done for the year. Stick season is upon us as most of the leaves are off the trees. It’s Turkey…