Author: jhackney

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Marie Comtois, Michael Flanders, and Roxanne Garland! April 25, 2023 Greetings from your Adamant substitute news writer! Chris is on vacation (aka a 3 year delayed honeymoon?) and has asked me to be a quick fill-in for News and Notes for this week.Donna CVR has two important activities coming right up: 1.…

  • News and Notes

    April 19, 2023 CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Mack Gardner-Morse, Eric Ryea (new age group for my neighbor), Heather Tomlins, & Al Hermsen! There were eight CVR members at this past Boston Marathon. They were:George Aitken    3:06:11Ann Bushey       4:21:39Rima Carlson     3:39:24Emily LeVan       3:23:44Anna Milkowski   3:39:54Time Noonan      4:03:22Donna Smyers    4:04:27Anne…

  • News and Notes

    April 18, 2023 CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Mack Gardner-Morse, Eric Ryea (new age group for my neighbor), Heather Tomlins, & Al Hermsen! Greetings from a flowering Adamant,  Even with temperatures returning to a more normal range, Adamant is turning green and the roads are drying out. There were a couple of races over the past few days that saw a…

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