Author: jhackney
News and Notes
CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Nina Aitken, Mike Harris, Anne Treadwell, & Tim Favorite! Greetings from gray and muddy Adamant, Seems like we’re still in November weather. I’ve watched the local ponds freeze and thaw a dozen times this fall. I’d appreciate some consistently cold weather. The upside is that the local roads around Adamant have softened. So,…
News and Notes
CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Brynn Bushey & Darrel Lasell! Greetings from quiet Adamant, It’s the Tuesday before Thanksgiving as I write this and I feel very appreciative of our running club. A lot of the daily news highlights a divisive world. Yet on a cold Saturday morning, thirty-five runners, aged from twelve to seventy, stood shoulder to shoulder on…
News and Notes
CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Jaime Gadwah, Nicholas Managan (new age group!), Fred Pond, & Meg Voisin! Greetings from a damp Adamant, The days are growing shorter here in Vermont. With those shorter days comes an end to the Tuesday fun runs. It becomes too dark to see and more importantly, be seen, when running at 5:30. This will…