Category: CVR President

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: William Everett, Mike Gillis, Henry Marcy, Charlie Windisch (new age group), Gregg Gossens, & Maggie Ferron! Greetings from a sunny Adamant,  The Berlin Pond 5 miler was this past week. Bob Emmons submitted the following report for the race:The 2023 edition of the Berlin Pond Five Miler took off under lowering skies, but the rain…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Maureen Carr, Joe Merrill, Michelle Risley, Jay Stewart, Mark Cioffi (new age group), Eamon Penney, & Gigi Guerin! Greetings from a cooler Adamant, On one of my walks around Sodom Pond (the Sodom Pond race is September 20th) last week I noticed a red maple leaf that had fallen on the road. Fall is coming. The days…

  • New and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Cale Ellingson! Greetings from a classical Adamant, The Adamant music school is in session so those of us who live in the village are having to suffer the sounds of classical piano music drifting through the air. There wasn’t a CVR race this past weekend but that didn’t stop some of…

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