Category: CVR President

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Susannah Gravel, Paschal DeBlasio, Barbara Flint, Thomas Hogeboom, Andy Shuford, Kate MacLean, John Thornton-Sherman, & Joel Thornton-Sherman! Greetings from your sedentary president in Adamant, I say “sedentary” as I had my other hip replaced last Wednesday and am not moving around too much yet. Having gone through this process last December I’m aware this is only temporary and am…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Gregory Gerdel, Gary Kessler, Tara Cariano, Riley Carlson, & Charlotte Meyer! Greetings from buggy Adamant, Yes, the black flies are out here in Adamant. What few people realize, is that black flies are very good at motivating a person to run. Once you step outside, black flies are very good at making forget about…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Pam Erickson, Mark Howard, Jennifer Miller-Arsenault, Tim Noonan, Phyllis Tillinghast! Greetings from sunny Adamant,It’s been a busy week with the club’s green up of the fun run course on Wednesday and then the CVR race series half marathon here in Adamant on Sunday. What a difference a few days makes weather wise. Wednesday a…

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