Author: jhackney

  • News and Notes

    CVR birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Maricela Acosta, Rima Carlson, Rebecca Diedrich, & John Mattern. Greetings from Adamant, where all roads lead. I had a boss in Wenatchee WA who liked to say that the days are long and the weeks short. That seems true this time of year. A lot going on and we already have five races…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Lillian Ecklund Gustavson, Olga Kissner, & Shawn Bryan Greetings from the Black Fly capital of the universe,  The runners for the Vermont City Marathon had a sunny day on Sunday. Sergio Reyes was the first male in a time of 2:19:50. First female was Annmarie Tuxbury in a time of 2:39:18. There were 1304 marathon finishers. In…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Gregory Gerdel, Loren Searles, Kate MacLean, & Riley Carlson Greetings from the Black Fly capital of the world, We have an amazing group of athletes in Florida for the National Senior Games. So far overall, Vermonters have won 12 medals (4 G, 5S, & 3B). CVR was well represented in…

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