Author: jhackney

  • News and Notes

    CVR birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Marie Comtois, Mack Gardner-Morse, Eric Ryea, & Heather Tomlins Greetings from the snowy village of Adamant, Boy, what a week for running! Saturday was the Paul Mailman 10 miler & 5 K races and then Monday was the Boston Marathon. While the weather wasn’t the best, we had 51 runners complete the…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Michael Chartrand, Patty Foltz, Jackie Jancaitis, Gordon MacFarland, & Jane Miller-Arsenault Greetings CVR Members, First, I’d like to thank Manny for the amazing job he’s done over the past two years as President of CVR. Within days of taking over the reins of the club Covid broke and our…

  • News and Notes

    CVR Birthdays this week: Happy Birthday to: Ben Kidder, Nik Ponzio, Ricky McLain Hi CVR Members, Well, the magic number is down to 0 and there are no more next weeks. It is hard to believe that after 103 news and notes, this is my very last one.  Feels like time was lost somewhere in the…

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